Wednesday, July 06, 2005
the new 411
text messaging is the bane of my existance, i swear, but this is good. so usually when i can't figure out where a place is, i call up my roommates or whoever i know might be in front of a computer and can look a place up for me. i don't want to spend the $2 for operator service just to tell me where a place is. but my friend told me of a great service offered by google -- google sms. you simply text message "(name of place) (zip code)" to GOOGL (46645) and it'll reply with two text messages with a listing of 3 or so places nearby with a place that sounds like what you told it to look up. you don't even need to spell it correctly! sooo longgg lame ass calling of friends!
10:23 AM
the search by google sms is done using its Google Local service.